#59 🤹‍♂️Alternate state in Qlik Sense

⚖Comparative analysis made easy with Alternate States 🤹‍♂️ Juggling with filters in Qlik

Since my last few posts, I use this set of first name data a lot

I used it with Vizlib Writeback to tell stories about football and US TV series, and yesterday about my own firstname to talk about decision making

And then Andrew McIlwrick commented one of them, asking if Scottish footblall players were "in alternate states"

💡 yes, that's a great topic to talk about !

This feature allows you to have "different filters" for the same field to be reused in measures

In my example, it's easy to compare two first names in the same chart with 2 measures

Few things to make it easy to use and understand for end-users :

🎨 Choose very different colors for the measurements

👨‍🎨 Color code every objects based on the State

👨‍🏫 Organizes the sheet clearly

Do you often use Alternate States ? What's your tips about it ?

Download QVF

⁉ How To ⁉

First create new state in the Master Items panel under Visualizations. use something short and easy to reuse later

Then, create your measure using the State in set analysis :


In my case, FN1 is my State

Rather simple, isn't it? 😃

I'll talk soon about advanced calculations used in this example