#55 🎾 Measures as Dimension in Qlik Sense

🎾 Using a list of Measures as Dimension ? Yes! Using Tennis statistics

Nadal won again increasing his crazy stats a little more at Roland Garros 😮

If you watched the match you could see indicators comparing the two players. I realized that it could be great to do the same in Qlik

But, to do it in one single chart, you could need to use your measures as dimensions like in my example.

That's also something quite common in business scenario

Perhaps you've heard about ValueList() and you are wondering on when to use it? That's the moment !

In my chart, the first dimension is built with ValueList() and reused to conditionally display different KPIs for 2 players 🧙‍♂️

Are you using ValueList() in your Apps ?
Do you like sports data in my posts about Qlik ?
Just le me know 💬

Download QVF

⁉How To⁉

Use Something Like ValueList('A','B','C') as Dimension

In Expression, you can reuse it with If() or Pick(Match()) like :


The second chart is a little more tricky as I'm using offset data in the script to create grey bars and negative values.

Just ask if you want me to share more about it !
